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Mixed-level Muay Thai boxing

Sundays 11:00am-12:15pm 

Mondays 1:30-2:45 pm

Fridays 1:30-2:45 pm 

Crosstraining from the Core

Thursdays 1:30-2:30 pm


with Emily Graves, MA, LMT, MFA, plus a variety of in-person and online 1:1 training sessions and classes. You can find out more or register for those here or connect with Emily by text or phone at 651-724-1932.

Classes are on-going, and always open to the public.  Feel free to drop in to any class.

The studio, which is now fully covered with 1.25 inch mats with tatami-style surface for barefoot movement arts and includes two heavy bags and several styles of striking pads, is available for rental for your class too!

Muay Thai Fundamentals


Learn and practice all the basic Muay Thai skills—punching, kicking, elbows, knees, pad-holding, basic combinations—and practice calisthenics and stretches to increase your flexibility, strength, agility and stamina! Great and empowering workout for the body and mind.

Cross training from the Core

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Description: A medium-to-high intensity workout that varies from week to week, drawing on cardio movements from martial arts, dance, sports and athletic training, incorporating equipment like light weights, bands, balls and ending with 15-20 minutes of concentrated (conscious!) work on the core muscles with a trainer who knows and respects the body.

Muay Thai kickboxing



These classes are mixed level. And, while this is "real" Muay Thai, Emily's 18 years as a Thai Massage, Yoga and Energy worker mean there is truly a place for everybody in these classes, as any injuries or history you have will be understood and while we will push your form & fitness levels, your body's actual limits will receive respect! Every class starts with 10-15 minutes of cardio warmups and joint opening exercises. We then spend about 40-55 minutes working Muay Thai combinations--for form, for dexterity, for flexibility, for speed and for strength. working punches, kicks, elbows, knees, defense and offense. Class ends with 10-15 minutes of strength training and stretching. Get great at Muay Thai, balance your brain, elevate your moods, increase your flexibility, stamina and strength and have fun!

Conscious Core

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Each class is an eclectic mix of movements which consciously focus on form and proper muscle engagement to offer an intentional in-class workout, which is also translatable into daily life. We focus on core muscles, like the transverse abdominus, multifidi, pec minor and pelvic floor muscles within the context of full body movement. This class is especially up your alley if you are: postpartum and recovering from childbirth, or if you experience prolapse, incontinence, diastasis recti (DRA), or if you have experienced an accident, surgical, sexual or cultural trauma to any part of the pelvic or hip area and are trying to recover, or if you just really want to have the best possible form in almost any movement you could hope to undertake! Babies/children are always welcome to attend too.

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